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Canned Hard Cheddar Cheese

No Refrigeration Required!
. . . who cares if the electricity goes off??

Indefinite Shelf Life

36 - 8oz. Cans of natural Hard Cheddar Cheese Imported from Australia

Price: $108.15 + $16.00 for shipping = $124.15

48 - 4oz. Cans of natural Hard Cheddar Cheese Imported from Australia

Price: $ 89.95 + $14.00 for shipping = $ 103.95

This is a real cheese that can be grated like any other cheese. It melts, it can be sliced into thin slices for sandwiches, pizzas, lasagna or meat loaf, and it behaves just like any other deli-bought cheese – it can be melted, it’s great for grilled cheese sandwiches, fantastic omelets or just by the slice.