Canned Butter

No Refrigeration Required!
. . . who cares if the electricity goes off??

Indefinite Shelf Life

24 - 12oz. Cans of natural Real Butter Imported from New Zealand

Price: $120.00 + $15.00 for shipping = $135.00

12 - 12oz. Cans of natural Real Butter Imported from New Zealand

Price:$62.00 + $13.00 for shipping = $75.00

The list of ingredients: Pasteurized Cream and Salt - that’s it!! No preservatives, food colorings or chemicals of any kind, just naturally made wholesome butter from down under.

So...if you have been looking to add REAL Butter (not powdered or Freeze Dried) to your long term food storage program, than look no further!
Now you can have a great tasting, rich, high-quality, shelf-stable, storable REAL butter in a can.